Category: Blog Post

  • Improve Base Material with VRC’s High-Pressure Cold Spray

    Improve Base Material with VRC’s High-Pressure Cold Spray

    Metal components are often susceptible to corrosion, thinning, or fatigue as a part accumulates more and more service hours. However, VRC Metal Systems can help you implement technology to restore those metal pieces and structures through high-pressure cold spray equipment. With this technology, you can save and repair your damaged components, potentially leaving them even…

  • Use of Cold Spray to Improve Hydropower

    Use of Cold Spray to Improve Hydropower

    Hydropower is a sustainable renewable energy source that can power homes, factories, and cities. It has been one of the world’s cheapest energy sources and used for over one hundred years. One of the challenges to maintaining hydropower equipment is the effect of cavitation erosion on the turbines. Cold spray technology can mitigate and prevent…

  • How Mobile Cold Spray Repair Can Help Shipyards Save Money

    How Mobile Cold Spray Repair Can Help Shipyards Save Money

    Thousands of ships continually sail the oceans to move people and goods. Just like any other machine a ship requires frequent maintenance and repairs. Every two years or so, ships dock in your shipyard for assessment and repair. A unique challenge that other means of transport don’t face is the sheer corrosiveness of the ocean.…

  • Overview of On-site Installation and Integration of VRC Metal Systems

    Overview of On-site Installation and Integration of VRC Metal Systems

    VRC Metal Systems is the leader in high-pressure cold spray technology. We serve several sectors, including aerospace, defense, energy, and the transport sector. Our cold spray systems are used as part of the heavy equipment engine remanufacturing process, and we support and perform shipyard repairs. Do you think you could benefit from cold spray coating…

  • Check Out Our New Metal Powder Spray Nozzle

    Check Out Our New Metal Powder Spray Nozzle

    VRC’s High Pressure Cold Spray technology makes a lot of repair projects simpler and quicker, including aiding the Air Force in repairing aircraft parts. It even makes it possible to repair parts that are unrepairable by other means. Its efficiency has brought a lot of value to the industry since its discovery, and we just…

  • The Dangers of Surface Coating Repair

    The Dangers of Surface Coating Repair

    Surface coating repair is a dangerous industry. Depending on the materials you are working with and your level of expertise, surface coating jobs pose extreme hazards. The dangers you face on the job may even become life-threatening.  With so many surface coating options available, numerous hazards are present. You need to keep yourself and your…

  • How to Choose the Best Corrosion Resistant Coating

    How to Choose the Best Corrosion Resistant Coating

    The best corrosion resistant coating will protect against surface damage while standing the test of time. Corrosion resistant coatings need to prove strong against fatigue and environmental stressors. VRC Metal Systems is committed to helping you find the best solution to fight against surface corrosion. A variety of common environmental stressors cause corrosion: A humid…

  • Aerospace Repair with Cold Spray 101

    Aerospace Repair with Cold Spray 101

    While air travel saw a dramatic decline in 2020, the demand is picking up again and is expected to increase beyond previous highs. With economical challenges and increased demand for aircraft availability, the need for efficient aerospace repair options is higher than ever before. Unfortunately, traditional aircraft repair processes can be slow and costly, leading…

  • 3 Benefits of Cold Spray for Military Vehicle Repair

    3 Benefits of Cold Spray for Military Vehicle Repair

    Military vehicles are under constant attack from an unexpected enemy – corrosion. Corrosion damage to military ground vehicles cost the US Army 1.2 billion dollars in 2016 alone. There is a huge cost to keeping military vehicles in ready repair. When considering how cold spray might help military vehicle repair, you can easily point out…

  • From Product Concept To Prototype To Production

    From Product Concept To Prototype To Production

    Almost everything we touch and use in our day-to-day lives was once just someone’s idea. It took people with confidence, perseverance, and a plan to take these products from a dream to reality. Whether your goal is to keep your company relevant in the marketplace, make a significant profit, or create something to stir up…